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What we give away...

Have you ever considered that everything we have is borrowed? I used to loan people books and then expect them to be returned. Ha. Then I came to realize, that if you loan someone a book, it's probably never coming back. The next time you see it will be at that person's home, if ever. But life went on. My first bicycle was a treasure. I eagerly waited for it and it was one of the best Christmas presents my parents ever gave to me. Black Beauty, I named it and rode it all over my neighborhood and behind. I even had a speedometer and odometer that recorded my precious miles. That's all gone now. My first car was totaled by my brother. Now, sadly, both are gone. It wasn't the accident that took my brother, but he's gone way too soon. I miss this precious treasures and other treasures as well. It's hard to let go. But they are gone. Poof! Into the void. Now, if I have some I can give away, I try not to think of the loss, but rather of the gain. To some

High Performance Leaders Focus

Are you easily distracted? I sure am. Shiny objects appear in front of me and suddenly I'm working on something different than I started to. Eventually, I have to get back to what I was doing. I've learned to (whenever I can!) delay that distraction and instead focus on what I'm working on. Finish something. Move forward. Focus on a goal. Get stuff done. It's still not easy. Sometimes I slip. But I'm getting better. How about you? Most distractions are less valuable than what they are distracting us from. High performance leaders focus. Focus on the mission. Focus on the goal. Focus on what matters most. -- doug smith

Tell the Truth -- to Yourself

Who do we lie to the most? Ourselves. We talk ourselves out of things we want to do (or don't want to do...) We lie about our abilities, our authority, our status. Maybe we lie because it is safer than taking a risk. Maybe we lie because the truth is so harsh. Who are we fooling? When we fool ourselves, you know what that makes us. I might not be able to eliminate lies, but I do not have to believe them. And...whenever I lie to myself I try to laugh a little and move on. How about you? -- doug smith

Learn from the Past

The next time someone asks you to fix the past, let it go. Relax. You know that you can't fix the past. What you control is right now. What you do right now determines your present, and to some degree your future. Fix the here and now -- that's plenty of work for anyone! -- doug smith

No Excuses

Any excuse will do, but none are true. High performance leaders have no appetite for excuses. Front line supervisors are patient with their people and also need to stay persistent on their insistence for positive results. We all make mistakes, but making excuses is a losing proposition. Own it, learn from it, and move on. No excuses accepted. -- doug smith

Forgive Yourself

Forgiveness isn't free. It costs the loss of the sense of self-righteousness that sometimes feeds our feeble ego. We don't need that, but like candy, it feels like we do. Let it go. That's harder to do when it is ourselves who we need to forgive. Then, it isn't self-righteousness that clings to the anger but something else. Something deeper, less secure, less righteous. Let that go, too. Forgiveness isn't free. And self-forgiveness isn't easy. But my friend, forgiveness is necessary. Let it go. -- doug smith

Book the two-day workshop: Supervising for Success

Give your front line supervisors two days of training that will pay off in improved performance, engagement, and motivation for years to come. Agenda: Developing leadership capacity, strength, and flexibility Ten keys to leadership success Achieving your supervisory goals Communicating for results Building your team Motivating yourself and others Manage your time without driving yourself crazy Coaching to improve performance Facilitating highly productive meetings Solving team problems collaboratively Supervisors are challenged in every direction. They usually don't get the training they need and end up with more problems and headaches than they'd ever imagined possible. It doesn't have to be that way. The key tasks of a supervisor can be learned. Our time tested and field tested training methods get your supervisors to explore, discover, and practice the key skills that will make a positive difference in their performance, their teams, and their lives