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Welcome Back?

When a team member leaves your team, whatever the circumstances, do they ever return? Does your team have the ability to learn from the past and rebuild trust in someone who once found it necessary to go somewhere else? Or, do you hold the line on absolutely no returning? It can be awkward to try to return, only to be rebuffed. Things have changed, dynamics have shifted, goals have been revised, maybe even the missed has pivoted. Wherever things are, they are not where you left them. If there is a case for welcoming former team members back, it includes factors like this: Much of the necessary training is already done You have familiarity that helps re-establish trust Once considered valuable enough to be part of the team, maybe that value is still there and could have even grown Reconnecting feels good But it's worth considering the risks as well: Once people leave, you know they might leave again The new status levels have likely lowered any possible social capital the former tea...
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Team Talk

The most powerful team building tool is talk. Talk with each team member and talk together as a team. Communication is the most powerful skill to practice.  -- doug smith

Don't Panic

Don't panic -- prepare constantly.  Improvise. Move. Everything is moving so leaders cannot stand still. -- doug smith

Move Ahead

There are so many parts of my past that I would love to fix. Thinking about them doesn't help and won't fix them. The best I can do is to reflect on the lessons learned and do better next time. How about you? If we could fix the last we'd break it in brand new ways.  The price of being imperfect is a glorious one: constant learning. That's not so bad after all. -- doug smith  


Working together is not over-rated. Even the sharpest of minds miss some important details. Even the strongest of leaders needs a team to lead.  Truly collaborating means accepting that sometimes your point of view is flawed, and is almost always incomplete. Staying open to the ideas of others, while working in the same direction on a unified mission, creates a path for success.  The art of leadership benefits from collaboration. -- doug smith

Keep your choices open

Have you ever felt like a prisoner to your own emotions? The feelings can be so strong that they flood your being with an almost paralysis. I have found myself wandering away from a situation because my emotions were pushing so hard, even though a better choice would have been to stay, get those emotions under control, breathe, and choose. Once a bad emotion has sent you its warning, it's best to send it on its way. Emotions can drive us, but don't need to. Feel it, pause, and step away. Keep all of your choices open. -- doug smith

Positive Solutions

Problems need not prevent positive outcomes. It's what we do with them that matters. -- doug smith  

An Artist's Palette

  The art of leadership includes a palette of patience, passion, and persistence. That will likely take practice, too. -- doug smith

One or Us?

  Listen to your team and count how many times they say "we" compared to "me". Develop and promote those who say "we" and coach those who get stuck on "me" to focus more on "we". -- doug smith