Do people interrupt your work on your own goals because they want you to work on theirs? How do you get back on track? How to you keep your focus on your own goals? People mean well. It's a good thing that their goals are important to them. And, in many cases we find the time to help them with their goals and sometimes they reciprocate. That's healthy. What's a problem is getting so pulled into someone else's situation that your own goals go untended. That does not lead to success or happiness. Here are some ways to keep your focus on your own goals: 1. Schedule time to work on them. Keep that time inviolate. When people interrupt, let them know when you will be available and not until then. 2. Post your goals so that others can see what you're working on. If you've written them skillfully enough, other people may interrupt so that they can work on YOUR goals. 3. Find an isolated placed to work on your goals (I'm doing that right now to avoid interruption!