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Showing posts with the label affirmations

Leadership Affirmations: Beyond the Crisis

Wherever you are, this is a good moment to create a positive direction. This is a good moment to support yourself, to raise yourself, to energize yourself. I offer you three humble affirmations for you to whisper to yourself with confidence: You've made it this far proving that you can make it as far as you make up your mind to go. Your strength has only just begun to emerge. When you respond with courage, people respond to you. -- doug smith

Improv Affirmations

Affirmations are a useful development tool in many fields. Positive phrases that affirm your instant ability to be who you want to be and to do what you want to do contribute to building your success by framing your expectations, boosting your confidence, and lighting up parts of your brain that bring about the very success you are picturing. Here are some improv affirmations to help you develop your improvisation skills, creativity, and sense of artistic play: I am instantly ready to create I take all offers and make them magnificent I play with adventure and creativity I am completely tuned in to the people I perform with Every moment sends opportunities for creative play I connect in meaningful ways with other artists I bring instant insights to the people I play with I can work hard and play both simultaneously and instantly I see the drama in every circumstance I thrive on the ideas of others I offer everyone great ideas of my own Trying a few affirmations each da