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Showing posts with the label leadership quotes

Build Your Team

You don't HAVE to build a team, but it won't build itself... -- Doug Smith

Noble Goals

Noble goals are not easily discouraged. -- Doug Smith

Let It Go

It's sometimes hard to let go of a goal, but if it's not serving you, let it go. -- Doug Smith

What Are You Waiting For?

Find the flaw and fix it. It's what high performance leaders do. -- Doug Smith Bring our two-day workshop "Supervising for Success" to your location for just $149 per participant for organizations within 50 miles of Newtown, PA. For more info:  Supervising for Success Contact me here:


Even a reluctant leader can become a better leader. -- Doug Smith

Behind the Goal

A life changing goal requires a habit changing plan. -- Doug Smith Successful Supervisors Achieve Their Goals If you'd like to increase and improve your possibilities as a supervisor I can help you with that. It's what I do. If you and others at your organization would benefit from a two-day workshop on high performance leadership, please contact me about " Supervising for Success ." It's over twenty years of leadership experience, tools, methods, and techniques distilled into my "greatest hits." I love delivering this program and I enjoy watching supervisors realize that they CAN get stuff done without ticking people off. Let me show you how. Contact me here:

Even High Performance Leaders Follow

Are you a great follower? High performance leaders know the value of a useful, enthusiastic follower. That's not someone who follows regardless of the merit of the mission or the value of the goal. Those traits matter. But when they are in place and without doubt, the mission and the goal should propel us forward -- as leaders and, when the situation calls for it, as followers. We don't all lead at the same time. Sometimes even high performance leaders must follow. What are you following today? -- Doug Smith

Propel Yourself

High performance leaders pick goals that propel them to the next level. What's your next level? What's your next goal? Match the two and you're well on your way. -- Doug Smith

Define Carefully

How we define success will largely determine whether or not we achieve it. -- Doug Smith

Career Goals?

Creating a successful career is easier once you start achieving your goals. -- Doug Smith

Building Your Team: Even When They Don't Like Each Other

Put any number people in a room and some won't like each other. To turn that into a team is a task for a skilled high performance leader. -- Doug Smith