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Showing posts with the label quotes on achieving your goals

Be A Force of Nature

Focus on your goals with relentless persistence. When you do you become a force of nature. -- doug smith

Sing Your Song

The song of success contains many variations. -- doug smith I'm not the world's greatest singer but wow do I love to sing. And, sure enough, I cannot sing everything. Almost no one can, of course. We're all limited by our vocal range and even though we can expand that vocal range, almost no one can sing ALL THE NOTES. And, we don't all like all the songs. Success is like that. What one person calls success, another might think of as torture. I know some jobs that people absolutely love that would irritate me to try to do. My own definition of success has evolved over the years. As I have discovered my limitations in some areas of aspiration (oh no, I CAN"T hit that note, or OH NO I'm NOT going to be a professional athlete!) I have also discovered new horizons -- all very colorful, exciting, and new. Success can be this simple: think of a goal, write it down, achieve it. Of course it's work. Naturally, there's much more to it than that. An

Goals Are There For You

The trouble with assigned goals is that it's within our nature to avoid them. That's true even if YOU are the one assigning the goal. The first question for any goal is: what is your motivation to achieve it? What will you get out of it? How will it make you feel? If those answers come hard to you, it might not be a goal for you. Question any goal that doesn't promise to make your life better. -- doug smith I help people develop leadership with clarity, courage, creativity, and compassion. To explore how we might work together, start the conversation in the comments below or contact me:

Chaos Screams: Prioritize!

I'm still looking for someone who can do everything. Every task on their list, every task on their boss's list, every goal in their endless stream of goals. I still haven't found them. I'm still looking for the person who can finish everything they've started, who can achieve any goal while tackling all goals, and who never gets nervous in the process. I still haven't found them. No one can do everything. Not even you. Chaos comes when we try to do everything. Chaos comes when everything looks like it's as important as everything else. Chaos comes, and it screams. Do you hear the screaming? Do you enjoy the screaming? Chaos screams! Prioritize. Prioritize and chaos will settle down. -- doug smith

Weed That Garden of Goals

Few things are more confusing than living with competing goals.  Find some clarity and direction, then weed that garden! -- Doug Smith

No Hidden Agendas?

What if everyone were completely clear and open about their goals? Imagine working with no hidden agendas. -- Doug Smith

Work Your Plan

Goals give direction. The work is up to you. -- Doug Smith

Propel Yourself

High performance leaders pick goals that propel them to the next level. What's your next level? What's your next goal? Match the two and you're well on your way. -- Doug Smith

Define Carefully

How we define success will largely determine whether or not we achieve it. -- Doug Smith

Career Goals?

Creating a successful career is easier once you start achieving your goals. -- Doug Smith