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Showing posts with the label shift

Shift The Focus On A Problem

  Talking about what you want will do more to solve a problem than talking about what you don't have. Shift the focus and open the door to more than a thousand possibilities. -- doug smith

Flexible Perspective

Sometimes a flexible perspective comes in handy. It is a convenient way to reduce stress. For example, do you know anyone who drives you crazy? Someone who annoys you and creates tension in your life? Most of us do. Here's a little shift in flexible perspective: I like to think of the people who drive me crazy as the people who spark more learning. Since I'm all about learning, anything that sparks more learning must have value. It might not be easy learning, but still worth the experience. What do you think? -- doug smith

Let It Shift

Limitations get in our way until they don't anymore and the best way to make that happen is to keep developing, to keep learning, to keep our curiosity open. Time can then bring about shifts in those walls, those barriers, those limitations. As history shifts we can let go of what held us down. Let it shift. Let it go. -- doug smith