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Share Responsibility

Do you ever feel like you're doing it all? There is no end to how much work is available for a front line supervisor. The temptation is to do everything you can to make sure that all the work gets done, even if you do it yourself. It doesn't have to be that way. Share the love. Share the work. Match meaningful work to people who will enjoy it. Delegate everyday. Successful supervisors share responsibility. -- Doug Smith

Control Your Goals

I am constantly surprised by people who think they have no control over their goals. Your goals are absolutely under your control. Even when they are commanded to you by others. Even when your organization tells you what they are. The choices (acceptance, focus, persuasion, new direction, change, execution, achievement) are all still up to you (and there are so many more choices than that⁄) Hey you -- your goals are yours. -- Doug Smith

Rinse and Repeat

Find goals that fit you then work them until you outgrow them. Rinse and repeat. -- Doug Smith Do you want to get better and setting and achieving your goals? Our two day workshop "Supervising for Success" can help, and we can bring it to your location. Contact me for details.

Keep Trying

High performance leaders stick to it. They keep working. They find new possibilities. The deepest confidence is rooted in perseverance. Don't give up. -- Doug Smith

High Performance Leaders Stay Creative

Creativity is unlimited. I know that it can FEEL like you're out of ideas. It can FEEL like there's just no inspiration left to solve a problem, achieve a goal, or build a team. But ideas are limitless. High performance leaders open themselves up. They expose themselves to new ideas in fields completely unrelated to their business, just to tease up some unusual combinations and connections. Do what you can to stay creative. Do everything you can to stay creative. You've never used up your last idea. There are always more. -- Doug Smith