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Noble Goals

Noble goals are not easily discouraged. -- Doug Smith

Creative Goals

Want to increase the power of your goals? Make them more creative. -- Doug Smith

Let It Go

It's sometimes hard to let go of a goal, but if it's not serving you, let it go. -- Doug Smith

No Hidden Agendas?

What if everyone were completely clear and open about their goals? Imagine working with no hidden agendas. -- Doug Smith

Scenes from Recent Workshops

Work Your Plan

Goals give direction. The work is up to you. -- Doug Smith

Is Your Problem Feeding the Status Quo?

Have you noticed that even when you have a truly sensible solution to a problem that you can encounter resistance to change? Why do some people resist making things better? Why wouldn't they want to solve that problem? Most problems have someone or something invested in the status quo. It works for them. They're getting something out of it. Even when it's a problem for someone else -- until you identify the payoff to the status quo, solving it may prove to be difficult. A great solution does more than solve the problem -- it does no harm. -- Doug Smith