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Stay Positive, Curious, and Pro-active

Creativity gives you a lot and needs a little from you in return. It's not completely free. It needs creative people to stay positive, curious, and pro-active. See the possibilities. Wonder what would happen if...or when...or how...and then experiment. Play! Take action. Move things. Mix things up. Staying positive helps you to deal with the inevitable challenges you will face to your own creativity. Staying curious helps you to look for the nugget of gold in a sea of sand; to seek the fascinating detail in a swarm of noise and to act on that curiosity while being pro-active and innovating -- to put your hands to work at creating. Creativity is worth the effort. What will you be positive, curious, and pro-active about today? -- doug smith

When In Doubt...

I like this creativity quote from Peter McWilliams: "When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on Earth. So what the hell, leap! -- Peter McWilliams

Grab the Moment

Your next great creative moment is right there in from of you. Grab it! -- doug smith

Dance With The Creative Muse

Do you like to dance? Do you skillfully combine the carefully practiced steps that let your partner know where you are going and let you flow effortlessly with other dancers? Do you respond to dancing nuances, new leads, new ideas for leads? It takes more than a life time to master and yet your ability to execute on the physical requirements of the skill and knowledge you acquired diminishes as you age. Is that the end of your dancing? The creative muse can keep its distance, like a stranger dancing with you for the first time, scoping you out. In the more than a life time that it takes to fully actualize your creative muse your physical (and perhaps mental) abilities may slow and degrade but the dance is most decidedly not over. The true dance has just begun. Flow with the one who brought you, go as far as you can with what you still hold and then dig, dig, dig, until you've dug a new way, a new dream, a new way to dance. Build more time, energy, skills, knowledge, d

The Creative Muse Is Like A Muscle

Are you in good physical shape? Do you know how it feels when your muscles are strong, exercised, and flexible? Have you felt that way today? You play the major role in determining the fitness of your muscles. Left ignored and under-utilized, the muscles become less effective. Neglected long enough, they can even atrophy. The creative muse likes activity. It conditions, like a muscle, under exercise and nutrition. It responds with ever greater efficiency and effectiveness the more that it is exercised. Have you exercised your creative muscles today? -- doug smith

Keep On

Keep writing. Keep painting. Keep drawing those wonderful sketches. Keep dancing. Sing every day with your heart ablaze. Keep stoking the fires of your dreams until the light is so bright that you warm others with its glow. Keep on creating, because creativity changes everything. -- doug smith

Creative Affirmations and Your Power

Your creative power is amazing! Try these creative affirmations to reinforce that power: I am a creative and powerful force of energy and creativity There is great music inside me to share I am filled with creative stories worth sharing! I create success through artistic play! I open the creative doors that others want to walk thru! My work inspires and sustains the positive power of creativity Now -- go create something wonderful! -- doug smith