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Go Big

Are your goals big enough, wild enough, ambitious enough? If a goal doesn't make you nervous or giddy it's not big enough. Go big. -- doug smith

Sing Your Song

The song of success contains many variations. -- doug smith I'm not the world's greatest singer but wow do I love to sing. And, sure enough, I cannot sing everything. Almost no one can, of course. We're all limited by our vocal range and even though we can expand that vocal range, almost no one can sing ALL THE NOTES. And, we don't all like all the songs. Success is like that. What one person calls success, another might think of as torture. I know some jobs that people absolutely love that would irritate me to try to do. My own definition of success has evolved over the years. As I have discovered my limitations in some areas of aspiration (oh no, I CAN"T hit that note, or OH NO I'm NOT going to be a professional athlete!) I have also discovered new horizons -- all very colorful, exciting, and new. Success can be this simple: think of a goal, write it down, achieve it. Of course it's work. Naturally, there's much more to it than that. An

Keep Improving

Imperfection is a human condition but not a curse. The blessing is in the constant process of growth. Grow. -- doug smith

Are You Overthinking?

I've been told that I sometimes overthink things. How about you? The trouble with overthinking is, when are you done? Sometimes we have to think about what we're thinking to stop thinking so much. Think about that. -- doug smith

Make the Move

A fading dream makes room for a new scene. Make the move. -- doug smith

Keep Your Goals In Front

Goals that you keep in front of you keep you moving forward. -- doug smith

Quality Knows No Age

Old does not always mean outdated. New does not always mean best. Quality knows no age. -- doug smith