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Showing posts from March, 2025

Goals Turn Into Destinations

All goals lead somewhere. Do yours lead you where you want to go? No matter what anyone else says, you're the one who is in charge and in control of your goals. -- doug smith  

Dealing With The Past

Advice can be tricky. Have you ever heard advice that says "forget the past" or "release what was"? That could be helpful. That might be good therapy sometimes. And, sometimes it is a big mistake. The more we pretend the past doesn't matter the more likely it is to haunt us. We cannot change the past -- true. Should we ignore it? Or better yet, should we learn from it? -- doug smith Reflection: What does the image of that broken bridge remind you of in your past?  Are you finished dealing with that part of your past? What did you learn?

Under Your Control

A moment of doubt need not last. Your focus is under your control. -- doug smith

Check the Evidence

Have you ever been absolutely convinced of something, so certain that you would defend it or explain it or insist on it to anyone -- only to later discover that it was wrong? I have, and it doesn't feel great, does it? We can all fall into a habit of believing our beliefs so strongly that there's no room for learning. What feels most comfortable seems most true. Only, not always. Certainty is no measure of truth. No matter how true something seems, check for evidence. -- doug smith Call to Action: Write down one sentence on something that you are absolutely certain about. Now, write down three pieces of evidence for that certainty. What do you think?

You're the Leader

What's next?  Everyday there is some new challenge and everyday there are multiple ways to handle each challenge. People are waiting for answers without even understanding the questions. Where does that leave you? The best we can ever do is to make things better. Start with one thing at a time and grow. I don't do nearly enough of this, but I'm willing to ramp it up. How about you? Lead the way to something better and people will follow you.  -- doug smith Call to Action: Make a list (a very short list!) of problems you'd like solved or projects you'd like to do. Prioritize the list. Start working on number one. Do something.