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Showing posts with the label follow

What Are You Following?

Leading requires following, and not just from your followers. What do you believe in? Where is your faith? What drives you? What is your mission? Great leaders know that their direction - the place they are leading others - is built from a combination of influences, some remembered and some forgotten. It's gravity inside. It's magnetic attraction and a pull that keeps pulling. We influence those influences. What we read, what we learn, what we talk about, the art we appreciate and the people we spend time with...we influence our influences. Why not do that with a sense of purpose and adventure? Every great leader is following something. Are you paying attention to what you're following? -- doug smith

Even High Performance Leaders Follow

Are you a great follower? High performance leaders know the value of a useful, enthusiastic follower. That's not someone who follows regardless of the merit of the mission or the value of the goal. Those traits matter. But when they are in place and without doubt, the mission and the goal should propel us forward -- as leaders and, when the situation calls for it, as followers. We don't all lead at the same time. Sometimes even high performance leaders must follow. What are you following today? -- Doug Smith