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Showing posts with the label walk the talk

Develop Discipline

How much more disciplined do you wish your team was? Disciplined enough to do the work, to achieve the results, to bring about the organization's mission on a daily basis. It starts by modeling discipline. Developing and demonstrating healthy habits like: Showing up early (but not too early).  Listening without judging even when you are aching to comment critically Taking on the tough assignments Finishing what you start Standing up to unfairness and injustice Working side by side with your team The list could go on. Add whatever behavior you want to see more of to that list and then, if you truly do want to see more of it from your team, you'll need to show it more often TO your team. They'll follow you. Maybe not at first, but eventually, and seriously. Discipline helps us to do the right thing before we realize it's the right thing. That's what makes it so powerful. -- doug smith