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Working to Judge Less, Maybe Not At All

Wisdom does not judge. -- doug smith We're all good at judging. I judge all the time - not as much as I used to, though. My goal is to stop judging altogether because it just doesn't give me what I want. People do not respond to it. People do not change their behavior. Judgement just makes us bitter because it doesn't work. I'm not saying that there is no place for judging. Justice is (sadly) as important as peace. You cannot have one without the other if judgment is needed and lacking. We just don't gain anything from being our own personal judges. The bitterness remains, and so does the cause of the reaction. I'm working instead on maintaining unconditional positive regard. People will make mistakes, sometimes even on purpose. Some people will try to take away things of value. They just don't know, or they just don't care. Will my judgment change them? Most certainly, no. Will my unconditional positive regard change them? Probably not. But ...

Find the Root Cause

Remember, the root cause of a problem might be in more than one garden. -- doug smith Have you ever solved a problem multiple times? The same problem? It looked solved, it felt solved, and yet just when you least expected it the problem returns bigger and badder than ever. Until we get to the root cause of a problem, the symptoms might be slightly eased up, but the problem remains. When we come up with solutions, it's worth it to ask, many times, "are we sure we've found the root cause of the problem?" How sure are you? How is it that you are sure? Are there any additional hidden causes? Keep digging. -- doug smith

Be A Force of Nature

Focus on your goals with relentless persistence. When you do you become a force of nature. -- doug smith

Keep Learning Again and Again

A goal worth working on will produce high levels of learning. If that learning doesn't help you with this goal, it's guaranteed to help you on another. Keep learning. Learn constantly. -- doug smith

Possibilities Equals Power

Are you searching for more possibilities? Are you generating more ideas? There could be more possible ways to solve your problem than you will ever think of, so keep thinking, keep exploring. Possibilities equals power. -- doug smith

Challenge Your Assumption

If your assumption isn't helpful change your assumption. -- doug smith We all make assumptions, even when we know it doesn't help. Where do these assumptions come from? They come from old data, from old experiences, from filters so clogged we fail to see what is true. But the good news is that since assumptions originate from our own thinking, we can control that. We can change our thinking. We can change our assumptions. Let's choose assumptions that lead to success. The people on our team WILL support us. Our leadership skills ARE growing. Our customers DO have reason to like our service. If your assumption isn't working, if it just isn't helpful, change your assumption. -- doug smith

The Path to Happiness

The goal isn't goals; the goal is happiness. And, the strongest path to lasting happiness is thru service. -- doug smith

Go Big

Are your goals big enough, wild enough, ambitious enough? If a goal doesn't make you nervous or giddy it's not big enough. Go big. -- doug smith

Sing Your Song

The song of success contains many variations. -- doug smith I'm not the world's greatest singer but wow do I love to sing. And, sure enough, I cannot sing everything. Almost no one can, of course. We're all limited by our vocal range and even though we can expand that vocal range, almost no one can sing ALL THE NOTES. And, we don't all like all the songs. Success is like that. What one person calls success, another might think of as torture. I know some jobs that people absolutely love that would irritate me to try to do. My own definition of success has evolved over the years. As I have discovered my limitations in some areas of aspiration (oh no, I CAN"T hit that note, or OH NO I'm NOT going to be a professional athlete!) I have also discovered new horizons -- all very colorful, exciting, and new. Success can be this simple: think of a goal, write it down, achieve it. Of course it's work. Naturally, there's much more to it than that. An...

Keep Improving

Imperfection is a human condition but not a curse. The blessing is in the constant process of growth. Grow. -- doug smith

Are You Overthinking?

I've been told that I sometimes overthink things. How about you? The trouble with overthinking is, when are you done? Sometimes we have to think about what we're thinking to stop thinking so much. Think about that. -- doug smith

Make the Move

A fading dream makes room for a new scene. Make the move. -- doug smith