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High Performance Leaders Talk About It

Sometimes the best place to start is to talk about it. -- doug smith

Leadership Questions: Your Perspective

Until you can communicate your perspective to your team, how will they ever give their best effort to achieving your goals? We all see things differently. Let your team know how YOU see things. -- doug smith

Truth Provides Sustainable Esteem

A lie is a try to buy self-esteem and the price is too high. -- doug smith

Keep Improving

There are no perfect people, products, or processes. Life is more or less a constant improvement project. -- doug smith

Quality Matters

A typo can be the difference between distinction and extinction. Quality matters. -- doug smith

It's the Long Haul

High performance leaders know that performance is a long term goal not a short-term gain. Think long range, long term, and strong impact. -- doug smith

Building Your Team: Start One on One

Find out what your team means to each team member and then build from there. -- doug smith