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Results vs. People

Which matters more to you, results or people?  It's better when it's not an either/or choice, but sometimes leaders are faced with making decisions based on the results they are looking for compared to the effects of the decision on people.  If it is at all possible to consider both results and people a leader still much prioritize. What matters most? Results do matter. What do your customers expect? How can you create products or services that deliver the kind of results that optimize your organizations resources? What will create the best possible present AND future? All the while also treating the people within your organization with respect, dignity, and fair opportunity.  Before we decide whether it's an either/or situation, let's consider this: unless we start with people, and unless we prioritize people, our results are at best temporary. If you prioritize results over people, it's only a matter of time before you become one of those people de-priorized over

Creative Work

What makes something creative?  Is it distinctive? Are new ideas involved? Could it be considered disruptive? Does it bring joy, inexplicable joy, to you without knowing why? Some people might think of creativity as magic -- it explodes from inspiration like a spell you can never tell is on the way. It shines, it radiates, it presents itself beyond anyone's control. Or does it? Creativity certainly does pal around with inspiration, but it is much more than that. Creativity requires practice, skill development, work. It's not something like being left-handed that you are simply born with and enjoy. Unless you consider everyone is born creative and we either develop it or not. Creativity has so much mystique, and so much appeal, that people love to claim it. I'm in favor of claiming your creativity, but it does take more than that. If you see a company or initiative and it has "creative" in the title, do you automatically assume that it is creative? I'm not so s

Character Matters

Have you ever had a boss who cares more about results than character? The kind of boss who doesn't mind a short-cut ethically if it gets the job done? It's easy to give in to that kind of boss, because they are powerfully insistent. Easy, but not necessary to surrender but your character does matter. Honesty, integrity, ethical behavior -- traits that may not be rewarded but are clearly observed. Any time you cut a corner someone feels the edge. Your team cares about your character even if your boss doesn't.  Strength of character matters and, long term, will serve you well.  -- doug smith

Help, not rescue...

Even the best leader can't rescue everyone. Sometimes people have to rescue themselves. That will likely make them stronger, too. -- doug smith  

Leadership Style

What's your leadership style? Do you utilize certain strengths to get things done? Do you work best with lots of other people? Do you facilitate processes rather than push people? Do you listen more than speak? Do you drive hard for results no matter how many feelings it hurts? What's your style and what's your blend? Leadership style is more like a kitchen than a cage: mix the ingredients skillfully in order to produce the best results. Play with the recipe, taste for progress along the way, and adjust as needed. You aren't perfect yet, but that's no reason to stop practicing. -- doug smith

Speaking with courage...

To speak with courage you might need to defend the right to dignity for yourself and for everyone. Everyone? Really? Yes, everyone. -- doug smith

Team Dynamics

  Teams are tricky. Just when you think you've got your team figured out, configured properly, fully set and ready to go, it changes on you.  Every time someone enters or leaves your team, you've got a different team. That's what makes recruiting, hiring, orienting, training, and development so important. If you don't develop your team the way you'd like them to develop, they'll change in ways that you might not care for. Team dynamics require us to build a team as a group, and also as a one-team-member-at-a-time proposition.  It's a project just juggling all of the pieces. It's a big responsibility and as a team leader there is no ducking that responsibility. I've tried -- you can't do it. Teams need their team leader's attention every single day. One on one conversations. Highly productive meetings. Occasional fun (and frequent sense of humor). Coaching to motivate when someone gets stuck. Prodding to get productive when someone gets lazy.

Take Charge

Who's in charge? A call is unanswered, a customer is unattended, a product is out of stock, a car is our of fuel...every day we find ourselves in situations that lack leadership. Fill that gap. Take charge. Get things done. It's what high performance leaders do. -- doug smith  

What to do

Here is your question for the day: what one thing will make you a better leader today? Do that. -- doug smith

Change First

It's much harder to tell someone how to change than it is to show them. And, they're much more likely to believe what you show than what you say. Change first, and then others might follow. -- doug smith