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Showing posts with the label habits

Your Habits Matter

What do you do every day that helps you achieve your goals? Keep doing that. What do you do every day that stands in the way of your goals, slows you down, distracts you, and keeps you stuck? Do less of that! Bad habits are the biggest obstacle to success. Good habits facilitate success. Find the habits that work, practice the discipline to stay with them, and watch your results improve. Need more help on this? The best source of help I've found is the book Atomic Habits by James Clear . Honestly, it's one of those books I should probably read once a year, but if you haven't read it yet, you probably should.  -- doug smith Note: I'm not sure where I found this graphic on Atomic Habits -- most likely from my Pinterest feed. 

Creativity and Discipline

Creativity and discipline are not mutually exclusive, they are mutually dependent. To rely on both, develop both -- creativity to light the fire and discipline to keep it lit. --  doug smith  

Habits Come From Repetition

  Habits are a choice, until they aren't. We can choose which habits we adopt when we repeat them. Over and over. Do you want the healthy habit of exercising every day? You know what comes next: exercise every day.  As James Clear points out in his useful book Atomic Habits, the best support to a good habit is to do it every day without fail. You might not always do the habit completely and seldom will you do it perfectly but zero repetitions is not acceptable. If your goal is to do 100 push-ups a day and you must fail today, you fail by doing SOME push-ups (maybe 50, maybe 99) but you certainly don't do ZERO push-ups. Leaders must form healthy habits and do them every day in order for our team members to pay attention and adapt healthy habits of their own. Behavior is contagious, even exemplary behavior. Show what you want. Do it. -- doug smith

Five Keys to Happiness

We could spend the rest of our lives chasing happiness. There are books, seminars, retreats, and workshops galore to help us get there. I do not disparage any of that. Happiness is wonderful. Is there a faster way? Here is a consistent way. Yes, it does involve changing habits. None of the habits are too strenuous. It's balance. It's consistency. It's health. Here are five keys to happiness: Sleep Exercise Eat healthy foods Drink more water Spend time in nature You knew all that already, didn't you? Consider this a gentle and happy reminder. Five keys to happiness. Sure, there are more. Work on as many as you like. These five will not let you down. -- doug smith