Have you ever considered that everything we have is borrowed? I used to loan people books and then expect them to be returned. Ha. Then I came to realize, that if you loan someone a book, it's probably never coming back. The next time you see it will be at that person's home, if ever. But life went on. My first bicycle was a treasure. I eagerly waited for it and it was one of the best Christmas presents my parents ever gave to me. Black Beauty, I named it and rode it all over my neighborhood and behind. I even had a speedometer and odometer that recorded my precious miles. That's all gone now. My first car was totaled by my brother. Now, sadly, both are gone. It wasn't the accident that took my brother, but he's gone way too soon. I miss this precious treasures and other treasures as well. It's hard to let go. But they are gone. Poof! Into the void. Now, if I have some I can give away, I try not to think of the loss, but rather of the gain. To some...