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Showing posts with the label prioritizing

Prioritize First

What happens if you start working before you have set any priorities for the day? It might cause you to miss a high priority item. What happens if you always prioritize work over your own needs? Well, you decide that, but often it leads to dissatisfaction, trouble in the home life, and burn out. Your work matters, of course. Your own well being matters even more. Your work matters most when you matter first. Better you = better results. What do you think? -- doug smith  

Results vs. People

Which matters more to you, results or people?  It's better when it's not an either/or choice, but sometimes leaders are faced with making decisions based on the results they are looking for compared to the effects of the decision on people.  If it is at all possible to consider both results and people a leader still much prioritize. What matters most? Results do matter. What do your customers expect? How can you create products or services that deliver the kind of results that optimize your organizations resources? What will create the best possible present AND future? All the while also treating the people within your organization with respect, dignity, and fair opportunity.  Before we decide whether it's an either/or situation, let's consider this: unless we start with people, and unless we prioritize people, our results are at best temporary. If you prioritize results over people, it's only a matter of time before you become one of those people de-priorized over ...