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Showing posts with the label resilience

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  Mourn a loss a little while but not so long that you miss the next opportunity. -- doug smith

Where Does It Start?

Leaders encounter a lot of resistance. You can probably think of at least three examples in your own experience of dealing with people disagreeing with you. It probably made your job tougher. Conflict isn't always bad, but it is usually uncomfortable. Even handled well, it takes time.  What can we do to prevent the kind of resistance that wastes time?  We can disagree about details and still get along if we agree on our values. But if we disagree about our values then our details can't be trusted. To build momentum, agreement, and effectiveness, I think that it starts with shared values.  What do you think? -- doug smith

Centered Leaders Develop Resilience

Do you bounce back after making a mistake? We must. If we are truly growing, truly taking chances, truly making a difference we will make mistakes. I've made plenty in my days in the world - little ones like not talking to someone right away who enters a room and big ones like missing what a client really wants out of an event. I've learned from each and every mistake and would like to think that I'm better because of them. But at the time, don't they hurt? Yes. Centered leaders develop the resilience and flexibility to overcome mistakes. What will you do to develop more of that resilience today? -- Doug Smith