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Teleclass Special: 30 minutes / $30

30 minutes / $30 Limited Time Special

Focused, fast teleclasses that focus on skills, processes, and tools you can put to use immediately. Listen anywhere you have a phone. Share your connection if you like. Take notes and participate in the lively conversation. Set a goal for the leadership skill you're working on and ask follow-up questions on the call, at our blog, or during a follow-up coaching call.

You can also schedule a teleclass for your group or yourself or attend one that's already on our public schedule. 30/30 Teleclasses help you get the training you need, at a price that you can afford. No travel, no trouble, no technological meltdowns. Just no-nonsense training over your telephone.

Here is a sampling of the teleclasses available for your fast, affordable training:

Ten Keys to Leadership Success

Explore ten key ways to quickly improve your leadership performance. But it's more than a list. You'll also hear how to implement these keys in your leadership role. Perfect for new leaders and people who have recently been promoted to leadership (or expect to be soon!) And, even if you're NOT a new leader, it's never too late to get yourself on track for truly high performance leadership.

How to Achieve Your Goals

Discover a five-step process for achieving your leadership goals. In thirty fast minutes you'll be on your way to setting and achieving high performance goals. The hand-out is filled with information and activities that will direct you toward a faster, much more fun path toward achieving your goals.

CLUES to Communication Success

Effective communication is at the heart of high performance leadership. In this fast-paced teleclass you'll explore five keys to creating deeper conversations, more productive meetings, and more powerful presentations.

What if your whole team improved their communication skills? Wouldn't that improve your results and make your workplace friendlier and more engaged? Why not invite your whole team to attend this key teleclass. The content in this is so vital, so invigorating, and so useful that I include it in many of my in-person workshops because once you've mastered this, all of the other tasks of leadership get much easier.

How to Be a Better Boss

High performance leaders understand and develop five core strengths. Discover how you can make the most of your core strengths and find better balance as a leader.

Speak and act with courage.
Connect and express with creativity.
Analyze and improve clarity.
Seek and share compassion.

See what these core leadership strengths have in common with four typical personality styles and how you can make the most of where you are already strong without letting it get in the way of your leadership for others. We could spend two DAYS on this -- you'll get a grip on it in 30 minutes.

How to Motivate Your Team

Do you ever struggle with people on your team who don't feel as motivated as you need them to be? It's not a lost cause - there are things that you as a leader can do to spark more motivation and develop a key sense of identify and belonging in your team that will deliver better results and retain your best team members.

Motivate your poor performers. Motivate your superstars. Motivate your team. Listen in and find out how.

Delegating With Confidence

High performance leaders get great amounts of results through other people. But, how do you delegate when it seems so hard? How do you develop the skill and confidence it take to delegate effectively? It's not magic, yet it is critically important.

Delegate to reluctant team members. Delegate to peers (I call it "shared work"). Even delegate to your boss (surprised? she may love it!)

Find out how to delegate painlessly and with confidence.

Improving Performance Now!

You've got important leadership goals. As a team, you represented a collection of resources, training, feedback, communication, motivation, and more. How do you plan, staff, and resource your team so that improved performance is not only possible, but inevitable? Explore what I call the Development Engine and bring your team what it needs to do its best.

Time Management Now!

This started out as a two-day time management seminar and people kept telling me "do it faster, we don't have time!" So it became a one-day time management workshop and guess what people said? "Do it faster, we don't have time!". Well, do you have a half-hour to dramatically improve your time management skills? Keep a pen and paper close by, because you won't want to miss a minute of this!

Solving Leadership Problems

What keeps you awake at night? I used to hate that question because the list was long! Performance problems, people problems, process problems, what's a supervisor to do?  Find out here. See how the simple tool of MindMapping can be used to analyze the root cause of a problem and deploy your top five core leadership strengths in solving that problem, once and for all!

Managing Multiple Priorities

Does it seem like everything is due at once? Is your work area a little piece of chaos? Do you feel like you are over-whelmed? Find out how to create the positive force of alignment in your work that will help you get more done, and the important work first.

The work is waiting for you. Why not discover how to prioritize in ways that makes your life easier and your boss happier?

What Do You Say?

Learning is my life, and I've noticed that many people learn great audibly. Put those ears to work and shorten your learning curve to a manageable, pain-free alternative. Less trouble, less time, less money. Just great learning. You might even still have time for lunch!

Doug contemplates a shiny object while multitasking on the phone.

Take Ten

Take any ten different teleclasses from us and earn our High Performance Leadership Teleclass Certificate of Achievement. Suitable for framing, it'll look great on your wall!

Teleclass Advantages

Go for it. Listen while you do what you need to do. Jump in when you have a question or key point when feel like sharing. We're not here to judge. We're here to provide fast, affordable leadership training.

Worn out by webinars? 
Listen, I love webinars and attend them all the time.  I also teach using webinars and use all the tools. But seriously, sometimes don't you feel like the electronic tools get in the way? Are you ever frustrated by all of the technology involved? What if you JUST WANT TO LEARN THE LEADERSHIP SKILL YOU NEED THIS WEEK? Take the trouble out of the training and learn in a way many people learn best: audibly and by taking notes.

Cheaper for you, cheaper for me. 
Webinar platforms cost bucks. Do you want to pay for that, or do you want fast, affordable training you'll put to use the same day you cover it? That's what I thought!

What about the visuals?
I get it. All of us who are blessed with sight learn visually. It's an important part of our portfolio of tools. And when we need the visuals, I'll point you to a place to find them. Prepare ahead of the teleclass by downloading any relevant visual materials. Print them out if you want. They make a great  place to take notes -- and they're free with the teleclass.

Want to Share?
Absolutely. We learn faster when we collaborate on our learn. So, invite a friend. Invite a whole room full of friends and associates -- there's no extra price. It's the same price per connection no matter how many people you invite.

What if My Friends Are In Different Locations?
You still can't beat the price: $30 per connection.

How to Optimize Your Teleclass Experience

  • Show up, ready to go, on time.
  • Keep a notebook and be ready to take copious notes.
  • Invite a friend (or more, hey even a whole conference room full if you like) to share your learning and to partner on the optional post-call learning activities.
  • Submit your most compelling questions about the topic before the teleclass. We'll make sure to answer your questions!
  • Download and use the free learner's guide that comes with many of our teleclasses. 
30 minutes / $30 Limited Time Special. Prices subject to change and availability.

To schedule a teleclass, please contact me at:


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