"I don't like change..."
"What is it about change that you don't like?"
"All the disruption! All the chaos! I just get used to something and someone changes it."
"What's your plan?"
"Excuser me?"
"What do you plan to do about it?
"What CAN I do about it? Change just keeps coming at us relentlessly. I hate it!"
"What if things are actually getting better?"
"Think about it. What if you could have frozen time fifty years ago? Would you really rather work in a coal mine? Would you really rather deal with unchecked disease and infection? Sure, things are challenging now, but if you go back into any period of time in recorded history, things were much worse."
"So what should I do about that?"
"Maybe stop complaining. Maybe stay positive. Maybe, as as responsible high performance leader work to create positive change."
What do you think?
Creating positive change is why we are here. Change is coming anyway, why not make it positive?
-- doug smith
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