How does it feel to firmly believe that you're right about something, only to discover that, no, you're not?
I hate that. Whether it is assuming that one terrific interview means that I've just hired a superstar (sometimes yes, sometimes NO) or assuming that a good kiss starts a great relationship, assumptions have often gotten me in trouble.
Assuming that someone (or even a group) agrees with you, just because they don't object. Maybe they do, and maybe they don't.
Assuming that customers will buy your product or service because it's just so fabulous. Are you sure?
Assuming that you've got it all figured out because of your depth of experience. What about the unexpected?
I caution you about all of these assumptions because I've made them all (and more.) I'm not perfect, but I'm learning. Assumptions are risky.
Unless we clarify our assumptions we could be deceiving ourselves and not even know it.
We wouldn't want that, would we?
-- doug smith
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