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Communication Skills Training

We specialize in workshops that help people get things done without ticking each other off. Mostly, that means helping people communicate more effectively.

To bring one of our workshops to your location, please contact us at:

Here is a selection of our most popular, and successful workshops:

Communication Boot Camp - 
How to Communicate for the Results You Want -

One day workshop to help you develop the skills you need to create deeper, more effective conversations, build stronger relationships, and communicate with tact, respect, diplomacy, and professionalism. Add a second day to develop more productive meetings and learn how to deliver more powerful and influential presentations.

communication training, communication workshops

It's Not About the Slides...
Powerful Presentation Skills - 

Get beyond the slides and into the hearts and minds of your audience. Whether you make one presentation a year or one every day, how you communicate during a presentation is either propelling you forward or dragging you behind. This hands-on, practice on your feet workshop will give you a fresh new view on how to best reach, engage, and energize your audience. One powerful day of training.

communication skills training, communication workshops

Get Stuff Done Without Making Enemies - 
Productive Meeting Skills - 

One day workshop to explore, discover, and practice the skills you need to convert your meetings from boring to productive. Whether you lead dozens of meetings or a few - or even if you find yourself simply a participant in dull meetings -- the productive meeting skills you'll cover in this workshop will change you from victim to guru. Make your meetings, your organization, and your life more organized and fun.

How NOT to Tick People Off!
Communicating With Tact and Professionalism -

One day workshop for anyone who struggles with interpersonal communication. Learn how to deal with the difficult people in your life, instead of saying what usually gets you in trouble. Practice thinking on your feet and reacting calmly under pressure. Take that foot out of your mouth and put it down with assertive assurance that you're communicating with tact and professionalism.

Talk About It! 
Deeper Conversations for Better Relationships -

It's easy to fall into communication habits that just don't work. As a result, many relationships suffer most from a failure to communicate. We make stuff up, we distract ourselves, we drift off into our own little worlds. That's not the stuff of resilient, friendly, collaborative relationships. During this one-day workshop you'll discover and practice the CLUES to communication success that are at the heart of all of our work here at doug smith training. You'll learn how to truly connect. You'll practice conversations around any topic - even during conflict - that will promote true listening, compassion, clarity, courage, and creativity. Attend with your significant other, with your team, or as an individual -- just come prepared to dramatically improve your interpersonal communication skills.

deeper conversations for better relationships

Creative Project Management - 

When it comes to project management, it is impossible to over-communicate. The biggest temptation to a project manager is to communicate less.  During this workshop you'll explore and practice the fundamental project management tools while integrating professional communication skills to build relationships and teams so that your projects will be both successful and fun.

 Bringing together the best (and fastest to learn and implement) project management and communication tools this workshop will help you with whatever phase of your project you find yourself -- from launch to completion. Two days.

Centered Problem Solving -

If problems are making a mess of you or your team, turn that energy around with some focused and applied centered problem solving. We've taken some time-tested tools and processes, blended them with our unique approach, and created new ways to focus, analyze, create possibilities, evaluate choices, and solve problems. Available as a one-day (exploration and discovery) and as a two-day (exploration, discovery, and application) workshop, Centered Problem Solving is an investment that will pay for itself over and over. One day program: $99 per participant. Two day version (work on solving real problems!) $149 per participant.

Contact me about bringing one or more of these workshops to your location. I'm located in the Bucks County, PA area so if you're near there there is no extra charge for travel.

Supervising for Success -

Two day workshop for front line leaders. You'll start on your goals and create the alignment and traction you need to achieve them. Ideal for front line leaders in any organization, we have deep experience (and time-tested tools) especially suited for leaders in the retail and service industries.

leadership training, communication skills training




"Doug had an awesome way of delivering the content. Great advice and information to take back to the work place."
-- Tosha, Cherry Hill, NJ

"The enthusiasm of Doug was awesome! I definitely felt I learned more because he had many examples."
-- Jaimee, Des Moines, IA

"I learned so much more than I expected... I will definitely take these skills back to the workplace and share this knowledge with my fellow employees!"
-- Courtney, Schaumburg, IL

"Doug's positive personality really helped make this course very interesting and worth while."
-- Breanna, Bloomington, MN

"Doug was great! I loved how he shared life experiences to teach! Great guy!"
-- Lisa, New Haven, CT

"Overall wonderful experience. I've gained a lot more knowledge than I had anticipated. Great leader who kept the whole class engaged and thinking."
-- Ashley, Baltimore, MD

"Doug was very engaging & kept the class moving efficiently.
-- Sarah Pollen, Frederick, MD

"This training was outstanding! Doug did an amazing job. He was entertaining and knowledgable. Thank you for a wonderful two day training."
-- Stephanie, Washington, DC





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