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What We Forget to Delegate

What do you forget to delegate?

It's important. What we forget to delegate we get to keep doing, and to keep too busy to get everything done. If you feel frenzied, if you feel overwhelmed, it could be that you are missing opportunities to delegate.

Do you know what we don't even think about delegating and so we forget about it?  We forget to delegate the things that we enjoy the most.

We don't even consider sharing what we enjoy the most because, well, we enjoy it. We crave it. We hold onto it. But what comes so naturally to us that we don't even need to think about it could be a motivating learning opportunity for someone else on our team.

I can still remember when my boss at Aon started sharing his favorite tasks with me. They were so easy for him that he do them in his sleep. Since they were new to me I had to give it thought. In the process, I developed new skills and he freed up vast amounts of time to work on things more strategic.

Delegate tasks you enjoy and you'll make room for growth.  

-- Doug Smith


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