I remember making up an answer. If I'm honest, I've done it more than once. How about you? And, sometimes the answer was right. But of course sometimes the answer was wrong. Instead of looking like I didn't know the answer, it looked like I made it up.
I don't do that anymore.
I don't know everything, and I admit it. I'd like to know everything. I'm working on it (LOL) but not even close. How about you?
Sometimes, in order to discover how much a team member knows, I'll hold back on information that I DO know, to allow them to explore and discover it. That could be considered pretending to NOT know the answer, but honestly, many times by staying silent that gives the team member time to think it thru, explore the idea, and discover a fabulous answer. Often, that answer is much better than the one I had in mind.
Pretending to know the answer is less useful than pretending to NOT know the answer.
Stay curious. It works.
-- doug smith
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