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The Benefits of Coaching

High performance leaders are also coaches. There is no avoiding the need to give your team members feedback. The most robust way to develop a culture of feedback in your team is to coach - not just a little - but constantly. Coach, coach, coach! Lead with inspiration of course, and also lead with coaching by sharing deep conversations with your people about performance. Appreciate the good work. Redirect the sloppy work. Fine tune the vast amount of work that fits somewhere in-between.

It's good for your team, and it's good for you. There are so many benefits to coaching, including:

  • Better performance
  • More comfort at giving AND receiving feedback
  • Stronger relationships
  • More effective communication
  • Faster response time on urgent team needs
  • A closer, more cooperative team
You can probably think of even more benefits to coaching.

Any time we coach another we are also coaching ourselves -- and that is enough of a benefit to keep coaching no matter what. When you help others improve, you also improve. When you share feedback regularly and accept it as well everyone involved grows and gets better.

-- doug smith

Leadership Call to Action

Ask someone on your team to give you both positive feedback and feedback for improvement on how helpful you've been as a leader this month. Stay curious. Appreciate the feedback, and then find a way to positively use it.


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