Do you limit your partner's growth? Whether it's a business partner, organizational partner, creative partner, or life partner, do you ever expect them to stay exactly the way they are?
I know I've done that. In love with the person who was, I sometimes yearn for more of that same person. I want that same perfect person. But that person changes.
We can't stay exactly the way we are. We need to keep growing.
Expecting our partner to be perfect is a harsh judgement on ourselves. Relax the judge and watch that wonderful partner grow.
Who have you held back a little lately? How can you liberate their creative self today?
-- Doug Smith
doug smith training: how to achieve your goals
Front Range Leadership: Training Supervisors for Success
What have you learned today?
I know I've done that. In love with the person who was, I sometimes yearn for more of that same person. I want that same perfect person. But that person changes.
We can't stay exactly the way we are. We need to keep growing.
Expecting our partner to be perfect is a harsh judgement on ourselves. Relax the judge and watch that wonderful partner grow.
Who have you held back a little lately? How can you liberate their creative self today?
-- Doug Smith
doug smith training: how to achieve your goals
Front Range Leadership: Training Supervisors for Success
What have you learned today?
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