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Famous Cards for Everyone

LEARNING ACTIVITY (allow about 20 minutes)

To help the participants focus on their vision, their mission, and their key measures. It's also an opportunity to practice drawing.

At least one sample baseball card for everyone in the group (you could use cards from another sport but I'm partial to baseball cards).

Blank index cards for each person as well. More than one is recommended in case they need to do-over an early attempt.


  1. Review the sample baseball card. Identify what makes it so useful. What does it report? Note the picture - what does it say about the person on the card?
  2. Write your vision and/or mission at the top of the back of your card. Do your best to keep it to ten words or less. If you don't currently have a mission, now's the time to write one!
  3. Think about what is important about what you do for a living and how those things are measured. Identify 3 to 5 key measures that you are held accountable for.
  4. Write a place on the back of the card to record your key measures for several periods of time. For baseball cards it's seasons (years) and that may be true for you as well. Or, it could be months or fiscal periods. You decide.
  5. If you know you know your key measures results, record those on your card. If you don't know them, how could you find them out? Do that.
  6. The fun part! Draw your picture on the front of the card. You might want to practice on scrap paper first. Do your best to express something about WHO you are, professionally, in your picture. It could be a serious drawing, a characature, or even a very elementary stick figure. Do your very best.
As always, be creative!

What did you learn?

What does your picture say about you?

What do your key measures say about you?

Could you have picked different key measures?

If your key measures were completely up to you, would they be the same as they are now? 

-- doug smith

doug smith training: developing creativity

You are welcome to use this learning activity in any context that you like. When you do, please cite it as:

Famous Cards for Everyone, Learning Activity by Doug Smith of Doug Smith Training.
(c) 2015 douglas brent smith


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